Friday, September 14, 2007

Rating Going the Wrong Direction

Before the congress I was -11.7

Now I am -11.75

I am amazingly okay with this result, just surprised. It somehow seems ironic given that I had taken the third place prize in my band. Yes, I only went 3-3 at the congress, and if I hadn't been sitting down already I would have fallen over when they called my name at the awards ceremony. 3-3 didn't seem worthy of anything, but I took it, and I am very happy with my beautiful marble plaque.

As far as the rating goes... I guess I lost to people I should have won against, but like I said... I'm okay with this.

I have a two day tournament coming up soon in Philadelphia. I'll see what happens there. And there is a tournament in Hoboken coming up in October that I hope to attend.

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