Tuesday, October 26, 2021

2021 Canadian Open: The First Weekend

Last year I played in the Canadian Open and took first place in the 9k/8k band. This year I am playing again. The band is 9k/6k, so I doubt I would have a chance even if I played well, since I am in the lower part of the band.

I started out strong this year winning both of my game on Saturday. I did less well on Sunday losing both of my games. So at the end of the first weekend I am 2:2 with little chance to win a prize unless I do very well next Saturday.

Last year I entered with my AGA rating of 9 kyu. I earned a Canadian rating of 8kyu last year. and have kept it active through Canadian League play.

What I found very interesting is that all four of my games so far have been with Canadian League players. The first day the two players I defeated were in my own Canadian League. However, they had both beaten me in league play, so I felt really good about being able to win against them in the tournament. 

On the second day I lost against players two ranks higher than myself. One was in the league immediately above me. The other was two leagues above me so I was really pleased with my small loss.

Here are the games records:

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

I'm looking forward to rounds 5 and 6 next Saturday. 

There will be three rounds of Pair Go on Sunday.

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