Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Week of Go Activities


I spent 36 hours on Go Activities this week. I exceeded my goal of four hours on Go Problems.

Between the 101 Weiqi site and Tsumego Hero I managed to put in about six and half hours on Go Problems. That is nearly an hour a day.

I am actually able to filter the types of activities I show in a chart. Filtering for Tsumego shows that I also spent some time doing Go Problems on the web site for Shawn's Go Group.

I only had five games, but I was taking a bit of a break from playing because I didn't have a lesson with Clossius on Friday. Instead I had a teaching game which was a prize from coming in First Place in the Clossi League.

Friday, January 27, 2023

My Week of Go Activities - Back to Tsumego


There was a time when I used to do a great deal of Tsumego problems in a week, as many as 2,000. I was told to cut back on the Tsumego and play more games, which I have done. But I started to get really lazy, and was sometimes completing only about 100 go problems a week. I decided it was time to up my tsumego practice again. I want to spend over four hours a week doing problem. I don't count the number of problems anymore, but rather the amount of time I spend. I'm not reaching my goal yet, but I will be working on it for next week.

I have a number of categories for Go Problems.

I've recently added a new category for Tsumego Hero. I've been working on some easy problems there along with some of the members of the BenKyo League. Expect to see more time devoted to Go Problems next week. Maybe I can reach the goal of four hours a week.

My report this week is quite late so I will be coming with a new report in a few days for the week just ending.

I spent 25 hours on Go Activity this week nearly nine of which were spent on Live Play.

You can see that a spent less than an hour on Tsumego this week, though I have been ramping up on Spaced Repetition Problems on the Internet Go School. I devoted nearly three hours to problems on Guo Juan's web site.

I lost a lot of games this week, but I am okay with that. I'm really not concerned with winning right now, nor too worried about my rank.

Wait until you see the additional time devoted to go problems next week.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

My Week of Go Activities


I spent thirty hours this week on Go Activities. Four were spent on Live Play.

I played eleven games this week. Two of them were simul games with In-seong Hwang which I received as compensation for having to take wins by forfeit in AYD because my opponents had failed to show up for their games. I actually had three wins by forfeit last Season which is really unusual.

I had two very close losses, and I had a loss by resignation on a game that I was winning by about 12 points when I failed to see a goose tesuji at the end. I got bitten by the goose. I actually backed into the goose all on my own. It was totally my fault and a very good lesson.

See the goose at the end of this fateful game

I should have played A. I didn't just lose ten stones. The whole group is dead because only one eye remains. It was painful. I was pleased that I got over it quickly though.

My record is nearly even on wins and losses for the week, but there was one game I was losing where my opponent timed out. That doesn't really count. There was also a game where I was losing and we both failed to notice that the counting at the end was incorrect. It worked to my advantage, but I swear I didn't notice when I accepted the faulty counting. I saw I was ahead by the score and clicked done without scanning the board. That was bad.

I am taking two hour lessons with Clossius now and he is very efficient at reviewing games quickly, so every game I played last week got reviewed by either Clossius, In-seong, or BenKyo Baduk.  In fact, I ran out of games strictly for Clossius to look at, so we glanced at end game for a few of the already reviewed games, and then we played a 13x13 game at the end to focus on end game.

I will need to make a special effort to play more games in the coming week so I have enough material for Clossius on Friday.

I am booked for two hour lessons with Clossius every Friday at 2:00 PM EST through the end of February. So come and watch my lessons live streamed on the Clossius Twitch Stream.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My Week of Go Activities

It was a slow week with only 16 hours of go activity. Live Play came in as the top activity.

I played six games this week and won half of them.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Internet Go School for DDK BKL Members and Everyone Else

This is a special blog post specifically for the Double Digit Kyu players of the BenKyo League, but it can serve as an introduction to the Internet Go School for anyone.

I would recommend Guo Juan's Internet Go School to all members of the BenKyo League, but I specifically want to mention its value to DDK players. I say this because Guo Juan has a collection of easy to understand beginner materials supported by a Spaced Repetition problem system that is perfect for not only beginners, but for any players still below 9 kyu. 

The basics she covers are those that Ben Mantle could easily teach someone on a one-to-one basis over the course of a good deal of time. Or he could create a series of videos of his own covering the most basic of basics. However, this is a wheel that is clearly not worth his time to reinvent since this material already exists in a great format. 

The vast collection of basic go knowledge on Guo Juan's website is available to you at a fairly low monthly subscription rate, and an even lower yearly subscription rate. Plus it is available for you to try for free for two weeks. If it isn't as great as I tell you it is, then simply cancel and you have lost nothing. If you want more subscribe by the month until you know you want to stay for good at which time you can switch to a yearly subscription which is considerably less expensive.

Spend a few months learning the basics on Guo Juan's site. Then decide if you want to stick around for more advanced knowledge. The Spaced Repetition System will probably keep you coming back for more.

The image at the top of the page is how the Internet Go School appears on my 13 inch MacBook Pro. The site is also available on your phone via your web browser. That is how I captured the "Try for Free" screen shot above.

I'll touch upon some of the sections of the site form the top image.

Below you can see some of the problem sets I have added from the Capturing stones 2nd step collection.

How to begin using the system?

Start with the Basic Course Materials. Even though the first set of lectures may be painfully simple they will familiarize you with the system and they will review the most basic information about go.

Click on Basic Course, Most Basic, Capturing stones 1st step, Lesson 01

Click Watch Lecture

Watch it. You can slow down or speed up the replay if you desire. 

Then click Add To Training System. This will place that set into your collection of problems. Problems will be presented to you each day. You decide how many problems you must complete each day. It can be as few as 10 or many more than that. 

There is also a button to push called Quick Look that will allow you to view all of the problems associated with a lecture in sequence. You do not need to do this before adding the problems to your collection. You might want to come back to a set and review all of them all at one time once the problems have been integrated into the system, and scattered from each other. Quick Look can be good for that. Some people even like to use it as a preview of the material in the lecture.

Pressing the Home button will take you to a page that looks similar to the one I have at the top of the post. From there you can press Review or New to start doing problems.

The image above shows that I have completed all of problems that were due for the day and I earned an extra 50 points for doing so. You can see that I still have seven problems to review. This is because I have a few problems marked Not Yet which means that they will pop up again in a brief period of time until I mark them as "Got It". After that I can mark them as various levels of difficulty which will bring those problems back to me after periods of time ranging from hours to years. If you fail to answer a problem correctly after it has reappeared you can mark it as Forgot and begin again with it. This process is called Spaced Repetition and it brings problems to you frequently enough so you have a good chance of remembering the material, and if you don't, then you get to start over with that material until you do remember it. The easier the problems are for you the less frequently they appear. You do the evaluation of difficulty by marking it with buttons. 

When you encounter a problem for the first time you will mark it as either Not Yet or as Got it. Until you get the problem it will pop up every ten minutes. Once you have gotten a problem you get a new set of buttons to evaluate the difficulty of the problem the next time you encounter it.

You can mark the problem as hard, good, or easy. If you got the problem wrong, or want to see it more often, mark it as Forgot. The amount of time it will take for the problem to reappear for you in the system appears on the button.

I have problems that aren't going to show up any sooner than ten years from now at this point. Here is one that wouldn't show up for 16 years if I marked it as easy.

I've been with the site pretty much since the beginning with a break or two. As a result my number of days in a row is lower than I would like it to be. I also have fewer vacation days accumulated than I would like because I have forgotten to do problems some days. This lapse takes away a vacation day. I have a reminder set now, so I am missing fewer days, and I have set up a routine to do my problems at a certain time of day which helps. I get a vacation day for every seven days completed, and I lose a vacation day if I skip a day. The vacation days insure that you will not lose your streak of days as long as your vacation days do not get too low and you don't get too forgetful.

Some people on the site are very active. I am only number 17 on the leaderboard for the week right now.

The leaderboard is actually motivating to me, and there have been occasions when I was able to maintain a position in the top ten for long periods of time. This requires in the neighborhood of 100 problems a day, which really don't take all that long to complete. Here is my activity for the past few days.

I had been less active for the past few months and you can see that I am gearing up my activity. The dark green color represents time spent on watching lectures. The yellow is for Quick Look problems. The lighter green and is for Review, and the salmon color is for Learning.

The individual problems themselves do not take long to complete and I spend about 15 to 30 minutes a day doing problems and occasionally watching lectures.

My recommendation is that you start slowly with a few lectures. Add them at a pace that allows you to complete all problems due each day for maximum points earned. Adding lectures at a reasonable pace will avoid getting a huge backlog of problems you have not solved, and it will guarantee that the problems you are doing are related to the recent lectures you have watched.

Give it a try. I predict you will enjoy it and that you will want to stay with the Internet Go School to use it as a supplement to what you are learning through your participation in the BenKyo League.

Any member of BKL should feel free to message me. You can share your screen with me and I can walk you through the site after you join if anything is confusing to you. 

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Joining the North American Online League


I'm excited to be joining the North American Online League this January. 

The league is being created to provide AGA members with a way to play rated games with other members, not only of the AGA, but also with members of the other Go Associations in North America. 

You'll be able to have an online rating that is associated with your AGA Membership. It won't effect your across the board rating, but it will be one more important piece of information about your progress measured by serious games against your peers.

You might also want to point to your NAOL results if you are trying to convince a TD that they should allow you to self promote at your next AGA tournament. The games In the NAOL will be against other AGA and CGA members, so these results might be more convincing to a TD than a generic go server rating.

The league will consist of groups of six players very close in rank. Five even games will be played during a season.

The first season of the NAOL will begin near the end of January, and there is still time to apply to be a part of it. Express your interest by sending an email to by January 20th. Include your name, location, Association ID Number, and your OGS profile name. 

The first season will be limited to 96 players, so be among the first to express your interest.

You can find out more by reading this article from the AGA eJournal.

Monday, January 02, 2023

My Week of Go Activities


It was not a particularly active week with only 15 hours of Go Activity and three games played. I also only had one lesson this week.

This is hopefully the last of my weeks of relative inactivity.