Saturday, July 16, 2022

My Week of Go Activities - Watching Hikaru No Go


This week I added a new Category to my Go Activities. I've decided to finally watch Hikaru No Go. I had watched a handful of episodes previously, but never got very far with it.

The rest of my go week looks like this:

It was quite an active week coming in at nearly 38 hours for Go Activities. 

Something I have added back is Watching Others Play. I had stopped counting that time, but I am trying to observe the games of others in a more active way so I feel it is worth counting it.

I played very few games this week so my Live Play was down.

Live Play will be down again next week because I am going to concentrate on replaying my games on a real board. Clossius has wanted me to do that and I was resistant to the idea, but with the Congress coming up, I think it would be helpful to me to be looking at real stones on a real board. Replaying those games is going to take time. Additionally, I want to devote time to playing out some recent lessons with Ben Mantle on a real board, especially memorizing a few sequences he wants me to commit to memory.

It is two weeks now until the U.S. Go Congress and I am getting excited.

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