Saturday, May 25, 2024

Looking for DDK Players for BenKyo League


BenKyo League is growing.  Seven new players joined us so far in May.  We welcome players of all levels with players ranging in strength from 4d to beginner.  The league is a great value for $25.00 a month.  It includes two leagues and three interactive Study Group Classes per month, and a library of over previous class videos that you can watch. 

Right now I am especially hoping to recruit DDK players.  We already have ten DDK players and we are looking for more.

I assure you that it is not too early to join. You can learn in a great community. You don't need to wait for new month or a season to begin.  Now is the time to join. And if you do, please tell Ben that buzzsaw sent you.

Now for my usual go content...

It was a typical week with nearly 20 hours of Go Activity.

I played seven games alternating losses and wins.

I am not doing well in this season of NAOL.

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