Tuesday, April 12, 2022

My Weekly Go Activities - Not Having Fun


I spent nearly 29 hours on Go Activities this past week. Only five and a half hours were spent on Live Play. Now that the Western Server Challenge is over I am playing fewer games but spending more time per game on average. 

I played eight games which lasted on average 41 minutes each. That doesn't mean that I spent half of that time myself, however. I am having a hard time spending more time on my games.

Every game played this week was a League Game. Because I did not want to play any more than necessary on KGS during the month of the WSC, I had put off my Canadian League Games. I managed to fit in three of those games this week and I have two more scheduled for next week. That will leave me with two more to play before the end of the month.

Tsumego had suffered greatly during the month of the Western Server Challenge. I started to make up for that this week with 1,000 problems on the 101 Weiqi site.

I barely spent any time at all on the Internet Go School website in the past month. As a result I had accumulated more than 1,300 due problems. I've handled that by disabling a number of problem sets. I will be slowly adding them back in again as I get to the point where all due problems can be completed each day.

The bright spot in my week was the appearance of my achievement on the OGS Go Server for completing the Western Server Challenge.

I'm not sure if I will be participating next year because the minimum time settings are going to be adjusted to eliminate blitz games. I doubt that I will be wanting to play 100 slow games in a month next year. Perhaps I will, but I doubt it.

Although I won as many games as I lost this week I am not feeling good about my playing. I'm actually not having much fun playing right now, and I am feeling reluctant to play at all. It doesn't have anything to do with rank anxiety. I'm pretty much over that. I'm just not having fun, and even though I know I am supposed to be slowing down and thinking more, I really don't want to slow down and think more.  I am having a very hard time making myself do it.

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