Saturday, February 19, 2022

My Week of Go Activities - Mrs. Clossius is a Great Streamer


I put in over 38 hours this week on Go Activities. That is a lot of time. I actually had to do two screen captures in order to list all of my activities because they would not all fit on my iPhone screen. You can see a little gap between the two lists above.

My number one activity this week was watching Mrs. Clossius stream. 

Mrs. Clossius is a fairly recent go streamer. She and Clossius often stream at the same time from the same room and you can hear the other in the background as they stream. It isn't really annoying because it is the same subject matter.

I'm really enjoying watching Mrs. Clossius because she is just about the same go strength as I am. She and I have a similar style of play. She is a good streamer and engages her viewers well. Give her a look, and give her some love in the form of a follow, or even a sub. You can find her at Paige_dyer.

This was a light week for game play.

I played an accidental blitz game this week by accidentally clicking on the blitz button on OGS when I was trying to figure out how to change settings. It was pretty exciting, and I might do it some more on purpose.

In my lesson with Clossius on Friday we reviewed two games and then played a teaching game where we talked about me attacking and defending in sente. That was fun, and we definitely should do that again.

This week I am supposed to play four rated games with BuzzKill, and work on my attacking and defending in sente.

I started the week with a bang by playing four BenKyo League Games today.

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