Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Resolution: To Get 50 Vacations Days on IGS

This morning I went to the Internet Go School to do my Spaced Repetition Problems and hoped that I had done them the day before because I was worried about my dwindling number of Vacation Days.  My hopes were dashed. I had not done problems on January the 15th.

I proceeded to do my problems for the day to earn a bar on my graph as well as an 50 extra points for completing all of my due problems. 

However, I looked with dismay upon my chart above showing four missed days in the past two weeks. That was totally unacceptable.

My 1840 day streak is undoubtedly awesome, but my measly stash of 17 Vacation Days was decidedly not awesome. For someone who had previously had in excess of 70 Vacation Days I had obviously slipped badly, and was in danger of losing my streak altogether if I didn't get my act together.

I have had two reminders on my calendar to do my go problems for quite a while. One is scheduled for 9:30 AM and a back up reminder is scheduled for 11:00 PM, but they are apparently not enough. I have scheduled an additional reminder for 4:30 PM.

The four alerts for the reminder will come as pop ups on my computer. If I am busy I can choose to be reminded at an interval of my choosing later. If I can be diligent about responding to this second reminder I won't even need the 11:00 PM reminder, though I will leave it in place as a safeguard.

I'm going to set a reasonable goal of achieving 30 Vacation Days by the end of 2024 which will allow me to exceed expectations even allowing for the occasional use of a Vacation Day.

I'm going to set a long term goal of 100 Vacation Days which will is achievable by the end of 2025 since Vacation Days are earned at a rate of one per seven days of problem solving.

I will report periodically on my progress for this goal.

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