Monday, December 19, 2022

My Weekly Go Activities - 1500 Day Streak for the Internet Go School


I've achieved a new benchmark at the Internet Go School run by Guo Juan, 5p.

I have completed a 1500 day streak. This is only possible due to the fact that I earn a vacation day for every seven days completed. In recent months I have missed doing my problems often enough to lower my number of vacation days to what I consider to be a dangerous level of only 22 days. I've set reminders on my calendar that will hopefully allow me to raise my number of vacation days back up to a much higher level. I had 70 vacation days at one point, but got careless.

I highly recommend the Internet Go School for its lectures and Spaced Repetition Problems. More recently they have added additional Decks of problems that you can study.

This week my activity was way up with over 30 hours of Go Activity.

I am still a little light on games.

I'll try to do better next week.

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