I've added a new category in my list of Go Activities recently which is Reviewing My Games with Comments. It is a sub category of the Game Review category.
I don't review my games enough and when I do I don't always review them on my own before looking at AI.
One of my teachers, Ben Mantle. encouraged me to spend more time reviewing my game on my own. He typed questions in one of my game records and asked me to review the game to answer the questions. In order to be accountable and show him my answers I needed to add my answers into the game record along with his questions. This was tedious, but not as difficult as I thought it would be. His questions ended about mid way through the game and he asked me to continue with the game looking for more things to comment on which I did.
I spent a great deal of time on the exercise, but it felt worthwhile. I'm hoping to continue with it in the future.
I was actually pretty resistant to the idea of doing it before I actually did it. I only committed to spending ten minutes with each game in the future and spending more time if I was enjoying it. I'm actually not even at the point where I am being consistent with this. But I am going to keep working on it.
Now for my report on my activities of the week:
I spent nearly 23 hours on Go Activity this week with Live Play coming in as the top activity. The more granular I get with my activity categorization the easier it is for Live Play to come in as the top activity, so that is actually not such a high achievement.
I had so many separate activities this week that I had to do two screen captures on my phone to document them above.
I played only three games this week with two of them being league games and one of them being a game I played on Fox with my 18k account which I actually mentioned in my most recent blog post.
I'll try to play more games in the coming week which shouldn't be difficult.
I have a friendly game lined up with a previous NAOL opponent.